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In its initial stages, the eSync Network adopted the Proof-of-Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism, leveraging its inherent advantages. This strategic choice allows the network to initiate with fewer nodes, minimizing susceptibility to malicious actors. The decision aligns with the core objective of rapidly decentralizing the eSync Network, mitigating single-point-of-failure risks, and solidifying trust in the ecosystem.

Prior to the eSync Network's launch with PoA, a planned transition to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) was envisioned, contingent on the live implementation and thorough testing of Ethereum 2.0. Alongside the evolution from the "eCredits Blockchain" to the "eSync Network," the eSync Network plans to shift to PoS consensus algorithm to further strengthened the eSync Network's autonomy since, unlike other alternatives, PoS works with Ethereum – which is what the eSync Network is built upon – offering more decentralization scalability than ever before.

PoS, a consensus algorithm hinging on a validator's stake in the network, significantly improves energy efficiency compared to Proof-of-Work (PoW). It expedites decentralization, allowing validators to join by providing the required stake. PoS incorporates a "slashing" mechanism, penalizing malicious validators by reducing their staked funds until they are excluded from the network. While PoS carries a potential centralization risk, mitigated by the eSync Network's tailored parameters and ECS Tokenomics, it stands out as an alternative to PoA, offering high transaction throughput and energy efficiency.

In summary, the planned adoption of the PoS consensus mechanism will reinforce the eSync Network's commitment to efficiency, security, and enhanced decentralization.